
Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Hiatus Explained!

Gosh! I know, I'v been bad, but how can I help it, so much has happened!

To start at the begging of my inactivity, it was December 4th....I went to Japan.

I went to so many places, ate so much food, took SO MANY PICTURES!!!

But most of it was non-doll related. Except that I visited not one, but TWO Volks stores!!! I went to the Big one in Harajuku,  and a smallish one in Ikeburkuo ( It was right near my hotel! )
I got too see all the basic Volks dolls in person, plus the Harajuku limiteds decked out in Baby the stars Shine Bright, H.Naoto and I think it was Putumayo, don't quote me tho. Normally the Store and the Show Room are two different buildings, but I think the Show room was in the midst of renovations so it was a smidge cramped. I didn't end up picking anything up for my guys tho as I was running out of funds at that point, but damn there were a couple tools, wigs, eyes, outfits I would have loved to bring home. 

Once I got back from Japan, I went up North to visit some friends and give one of them a belated Happy Birthday. It was good to see everyone but within a seven day space, I had been in a plane for over 14 hours and even more in airports @_@ When I got back

It was practically Christmas, So I had a dozen extra shifts, made a mad dash to organize present, bought tree decorations and spent a day making the house look Merry. That pretty much lead straight to Christmas Day which was filled with usual Christmas activities. Then I worked and worked, had a good new years and now here I am on my first weekend off not spent running around like a mad chook. I'm using it to work on a BJD sewing project, but more on that later.  

Anyway that is my hiatus explained! I'm still going to endeavor to finish this 150 day challenge, but it's gonna be tight, especially since i'm looking for new work AND planning on moving house again, oh lord ><

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