
Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Inspiration Spotlight: Andreja

Oh god, the rain has still not let up, but at least it's my weekend again!!!!

I'm not updating much, but I wanted to post some inspiring things.
One of my favourite BJD face-up artists, Andreja, who runs Nicolle's Dreams, has started putting up Face-up videos on Youtube.
Andreja's Face-ups are perhaps one of my most favorite out there, and she seems to specialize in Fairyland dolls, but she's good with anything. Perhaps one of the most surprising things for me was, that she is in fact a Melbourne, Australia based artist! It makes me feel hopeful I guess, that amazing artists really can come from anywhere in the world.

The videos are filming of her commissions as she goes. There are only three videos up at the moment, and they are just amazing! they really inspire me and make me CURSE THIS INFERNAL RAIN even more so, as I can't have a go at all the new things her videos teach me. But I highly recommend the videos to anyone interested in bettering their face-up skills because there is allot to learn from them.

and some pictures of her work

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Weekend over

So my weekend for the week is over, and as such I'm not going to be doing many projects.
I'm going to be very busy this week. I'm moving city again, trying to catch up with people before I go, my Mum is having a birthday, I need to see the new Muppets Movie, and I have to Work and sleep in between it all.

In the mean time, Cadence will keep you company with a teaser shot of my projects ^^

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Doll Gets

Some shoes I brought for Minette came in the mail! THEY ARE SO ADORABLE!
I believe they will be perfect for an outfit I am making for her. I'll post about it later.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

30 BJD things in 150 Days! # 27


I actually did this before I went away to Japan, but I wanted to wait until after I had made all my swap items to blog about it.

I joined Rook's international, colour themed Black Swap, over on DoA and so far it has been pretty fun.
My swap partner is Zetoast, who ahem, doesn't actually have her doll yet. This made the whole project soooo much more interesting. Zeo has ordered a Dollshe Bernard 70cm pure body, who will be, ahg, hipster. So I spent the better half of my time trying to find out wtf a hipster was......yeaaaaaah
Anyway, here are the items I'm sending out to Zeo tomorrow!

Modeled by Caddy, clothes are waaay too big for him haha

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

30 BJD things in 150 Days! #4

Luckily, before I went to Japan, I DID get some stuff off my list, I just forgot about it heh heh...

Gave Minnette, a Face-up!

I'm MUCH happier with how this one turned out, I'm hatting on those bottom lashes, ahrg, but it was fun to experiment with the white and black. Also, her eyebrows are.....decent in shape, but not colour. And yes, Minnette will always have cute blush spots on her cheeks, they just look TOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE! not to.

This is why I am not doing face-ups

Because it has been like this the last two days is why, and the camera didn't pick it up, but it's raining as well, and walking to work in it is just awful.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012


So with a move of address of my cards, I'm really starting to think about downsizing the SDs, like I have been for a while. I'v been searching for a while now, looking for sculpts that would fit my current characters, while also looking at some news dolls that I would like in the MSD size family. So for the new year, here is my dolly wishlist for 2012 IF I decide to shrink them

Fairyland MineeFee Kyle replacing my Crobi
DOC Too-A / Angell. studio hybrid - Replacing my Sha
DoC Tender Too-A Head Replacing my Tender sha Head
DOC Bee-A / Angell. studio hybrid Replacing my Shall
DOC Twin B (  / Angell. studio hybrid? )
Fairyland mineeFee Miyu
Fairland LittleFee Shiwoo
Luts HoneyDelf Choco

That list looks huge @_@

As you can see, there are more than just some erm... replacements haha. After seeing Lief's girl at the meet up, my mind was made about getting my own. She was so eye catching and I loved her sculpt! so beautiful up close better that what I imagined.
Twin B Has been on my list for Years, downgrade or not I'm getting her next.
As for the tinies, they're for a long story project my sister and I have about a woodland fox and rabbit who accidentally fall in love, it's a very cute story, a bit of light fluff I guess.

I guess if I could I would add some variation into my choice of companys, it's pretty much all FL and DOD, Lala could make a great Dollzone Mo, but finding an Oreo doesn't seem to sit on any DZ heads unfortunately. anyway That's my BJD wishlist atm. Lets see what happen hey.

Hiatus Explained!

Gosh! I know, I'v been bad, but how can I help it, so much has happened!

To start at the begging of my inactivity, it was December 4th....I went to Japan.

I went to so many places, ate so much food, took SO MANY PICTURES!!!

But most of it was non-doll related. Except that I visited not one, but TWO Volks stores!!! I went to the Big one in Harajuku,  and a smallish one in Ikeburkuo ( It was right near my hotel! )
I got too see all the basic Volks dolls in person, plus the Harajuku limiteds decked out in Baby the stars Shine Bright, H.Naoto and I think it was Putumayo, don't quote me tho. Normally the Store and the Show Room are two different buildings, but I think the Show room was in the midst of renovations so it was a smidge cramped. I didn't end up picking anything up for my guys tho as I was running out of funds at that point, but damn there were a couple tools, wigs, eyes, outfits I would have loved to bring home. 

Once I got back from Japan, I went up North to visit some friends and give one of them a belated Happy Birthday. It was good to see everyone but within a seven day space, I had been in a plane for over 14 hours and even more in airports @_@ When I got back

It was practically Christmas, So I had a dozen extra shifts, made a mad dash to organize present, bought tree decorations and spent a day making the house look Merry. That pretty much lead straight to Christmas Day which was filled with usual Christmas activities. Then I worked and worked, had a good new years and now here I am on my first weekend off not spent running around like a mad chook. I'm using it to work on a BJD sewing project, but more on that later.  

Anyway that is my hiatus explained! I'm still going to endeavor to finish this 150 day challenge, but it's gonna be tight, especially since i'm looking for new work AND planning on moving house again, oh lord ><