Wednesday, 9 November 2011

30 BJD things in 150 Days #2

#2: Do a Face-up for Sorao

Finally I get to cross the first item off my list! ^^
Today I did a Face-up for Sorao, it's not my first face-up, but I feel like I'v really taken a step back in my Face-up progress with this one, I'm not happy with it at all, and as soon as I took these photos I took it off again.

However, I am pretty happy with my posing in these yay for something good coming of this xD
Eyelashes suck, eyebrows suck, the gloss I put on drained out her lip colour, I have a long way to go ><
The biggest issue for me I found, is more putting emotion into my doll's features. Trying to find the right 'shade' to represent them in an eye shadow, the right angle to the brow how the lip line should be tilted. I also Can't put eyes in any other way than 'dead straight' it seems xD

Tomorrow I'm either going to sew for Caddy or Sorao OR start giving Minette that Tan @_@

Thursday, 3 November 2011

30 BJD things in 150 Days!

Lately I have been doing nothing with my dolls.  Okay, I have done nothing since the doll meet ><
So I really want to start putting more effort into this hobby, I want to get better and make my dolls into the beautiful visions I dream them to be. 
So, inspired by Cute_Shallot over at Sweet Indeed, I have decided to use her 30 Lolita things in 150 days challenge, and put a BJD twist on it! 

The challenge is pretty self-explanatory. Create a list of 30 goals you wish to cplete, and finish them with 150 days, simple.  

So without further ado, wish me luck, and may I now present...THE LIST!

1. Face up for Orophen
2. Face up for Sorao
3. Face up for Lamalass
4. Face up for Minnette
5. Make a couch
6. Sculpt some mini food props
7. Create a photostory and post it to DoA
8. A gallery post for Cadence
9. Sew an outfit for Soroa
10. Sew and outfit for Orophen
11. Sew and outfit for Lamalass
12. Sculpt Sorao's ears
13. Do another face up on any doll
14. Sew an outfit for Minnette
15. Take a BJD Family photo
16. Take each doll out for a public photoshoot somewhere
17. Collaborate with another Brisbane doll owner for a photoshoot
18. Make an introductory gallery or photostory for Orophen and Lamalass
19. Create a full outfit set for at least one doll.
20. Take off Sorao's ears
21. Blush Minnette's hooves and wings
22. Make one 'winter' theme outfit and photoshoot
23. Do another face-up on any doll
24. Make a photoshoot based around Sorao
25. Design a matching set for all my dolls suited to their personalities
26. Make a penpal advertisment
27. Join a group Swap
28. Hot glue velcro to doll heads and wigs
29. Tease Cadence's wig
30. Give Minnette a tan

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Old Face-up

Just a quick picture of an Old face-up I gave to Orophen. The inspiration was Candy Lips

I like the blending I did and was fun ^^

Thursday, 13 October 2011

End of Hiatus


Long story short, I moved house and am now living with my parents again!
That's right, I moved! I'm no longer with my Grandparents, I'm now on the other side of town with my family. My parents work at the mines so I pretty much get one to two weeks a month where my Sister and I run the joint. It took me a little while, but I now have a new area for all my dolls to sit, a giant box to store all their stuff and a few boxes to make doll furniture out of. But enough about moving, Much more exciting is the doll meet!

Last weekend was when the doll meet was held over at Bandersnatch's house. There were 17 people and twice as many dolls. IT WAS BYOOTIFULL!!! T.T
At one point another doll owner and I were just sitting at the floor, dolls covering every couch and she says " Good to know where our priorities are"

I got to play with a whole heap of dolls and I think...I want an MSD so bad!!!
I played with a MiniFee and a DoC and MiniGem cute!!! I really liked the fairyland dolls and I think...I need a Miyu T.T Maybe I'll downsize my whole collection, they were just such a nice size and weight compared to my staggering SDs and I bonded easier with my Minette. Idk, I'll think about it more after Japan >///<

 It was super fun! and I hope to get into contact with one of the girl in particular. ><

Um No pictures because I went straight from work to the meet and idiot me forgot my camera ><

Monday, 26 September 2011


Yesss, Just in time for the meet, Cadence's new wig rocked up >D
I got it from an Australian Seller, thus the quick shipping, worked out perfect >D

It's kind of big for him and really...flat compared to the pictures. I don't know what Brand or anything because I got it off the DoA marketplace, But it's good quality fibres. All this needs is some Velcro to hold it better and some styling. But it's a good colour and once styled, the cut ought to be perfect for him ^^

I also got some new sewing materials to make a cute new dress for Minette.
No Frills this time, haha, Just something cute for her to run abut in.

[ Design Sketch ]

The Black is just a stretch knit, and I'm thinking the heart will just be felt. I'm digging the asymmetrical fall to it. It's a doll size version of a pattern I saw somewhere, and I think I'm gonna give her a matching Face up, maybe use the purple wig I have for her.

So at the moment all my dolls are just at their own pace.
Cadence has his new wig, Sorao needs a new face-up, Orophen is rebonding with Lala and Minette is getting all my attention xD It's funny I'v bonded with her the most but she still hasn't told me her name or character. I keep trying things on her but nothing fits. Oh well, we seem to make each other pretty happy anyway to Spotlight! ^^

Friday, 2 September 2011

an old friend

So for ages and ages and ages, I totally thought I had lost my DOD Tender Sha head. I purchased it second hand on the DoA MP not long after it came out for the event and practically every one had them so i got it for around $60. I was really disapointed that i had unfortunatley misplaced a very dear item and I was loath to replace him because the going rate is now at leats dpuble what I paid initially for him

In a seemingly unrelated topic
My parents decided to take a trip down here from the 'Ville to visit my sister, step-sister and I. Unbeknownst to me, they decided to bring down ALL MY AWESOME BOXES OF STUFF that I had to leave there when I moved to Brisbane and counldn't afford to bring down ( flight weight limits ). They never got around to posting them either becuase there are like eight boxes and they're all 50% book so shipping is veyr veery very expensive. But the point is, I have all my stuff back now. And as I was opening boxes of video games, books, jewelry, books, ornaments, manga, CDs ( Yes I am still stuck in the 90s ) DVDs and more books, I FOUND HIM!!! He was wrapped in bubble wrap in my 'fragile' box that held all my figures, perfume and breakables. I'm so happy to have him and can't wait to make him look pretty again ^^ His Resin has yellowed, some magnets have fallen out and he's rather dirty but I think it will come off with the MSC coat. Lamalass and I are together again and even tho he is the bad guy in my story I think this little reunion had made him my favourite. Lamalass's character is also the only one of my dolls actually aware of his doll existance, he knews EVERYTHING, about him being a doll how he isn't real and how i created them all so i think he's happy to be back with his creator too. im so happy tonight. I've lived here for a while now and suddenly I feel like im home and I'm glad lala is part of that ^^

Saturday, 27 August 2011

Back together again!

Today I re-strung my boy! He wants to say Hi!

I washed off the toothpaste and WOW did he come up clean! He looks brand new, just like when I first got him out his box, he's just wonderful and it just reminds me why I love him.
Now I just want to make him some new threads for the doll meet and he'll be perfect!

Thursday, 25 August 2011



Yes, I said I started cleaning Cadence today in anticipation to the meet-up. Yeah it's a while away but cleaning him is a big job! I have been wanting to do it for awhile because I though he may be yellow however this was not the case. His original coat of MSC was just getting old.
It took me about two hours to do all of him. I cleaned the majority of his body down first with some nail polish remover ( It's acetone free and clear so don't freak out! ), then ran a magic eraser over his parts. SO MUCH DIRT! I should have done this long ago.

But it did make me happy to see he was not in fact yellowing, and he has come up like brand new! I'm really worried about yellowing because he's my limited white skin so not only will he yellow faster and more noticeably, I can't replace him if he yellows.

So yes, after the initially wipe over, I then covered him in some whiting toothpaste, yes toothpaste. I read on the forums it helps to take away yellowing so if there was any, it will be more subtle now, and if there wasn't, prevention is the best defence...or offence. I forget but you know what I mean Haha. So he's just chilling right now as I'm leaving the toothpaste mask on him over night to clean in the morning, and that should make him all squeaky clean ^^
Here's a quick picture of my boy all laid out. I also took the faceup off my DoD Sha ( Orophen ) and you can see his head there too.

                                My messy work area ><

On a side note, The gallery has its first update! The pictures from my last two photoshoots are now linked under their respective dolls. Yay!

Finally some Updates

Yep, as said, I won't update much, heh heh.
But I have made some big changes to the blog. I completely changed the layout to something allot less complex ( I think it was starring at all the Lolita blogs that made me over complicate it, Haha ), and I've done a few projects with my dolls.

Since starting up the blog I have given my YOSD Soom Minette, an entire Lolita look. I did her face-up and made her dress from scratch. I'm really happy with how that came out and will upload some photos of her to the gallery soon.

Also another big announcement, I am finally going to make contact with the Brisbane BJD enthusiasts!!! I went through the meet-up forums on DoA and found the Brisbane one. They had already had one for August but the next one is going to be late September early October. Location and the exact date are still in the air, but it looks like it will be either the weekend of the 8th or 9th of October. I really hope it's the Sunday one because I don't think I'll be able to get work off on the Saturday.
I'm really excited to go to my first meet, and have already decided I will most likely take Cadence. He was my first ever doll and as such I feel an attachment to bring him with me. I will sew him some new clothes just for the meet and I hope to buy him a new wig in time as I'm so over Mohair.

Speaking of Caddy, this bring my to the last update.
I took Cadence out for a photoshoot just three days ago. I had him wear the stripe singlet and black jacket I made for him. I'm rather happy with how two of the photos came out and even used some photoshop skills on them! Nothing crazy, just blurred background and upped colours. But! It IS a start ^^

I'm going to start working on giving Cadence a revamp as soon as possible, starting by cleaning him tomorrow. I really excited so wish us luck ^^

Saturday, 18 June 2011

First post

This is just a little place to document and catalogue all my progress when working on my BJD hobby. I'm not sure it will update much but I like having it here and enjoy having a neat and tidy place to put everything.

A little bit about the name.I chose the name Resin Runaways because all my doll characters have, in some form or another, come under my care because they are escaping or running away from something. That and I like alliteration, haha.

Um, I think it's a very fitting title because of this and I hope that you enjoy watching my little projects.
Also, please check out the links in the header, bar, linkie thing. They hold all the information on my dolls, and are a short-cut to finding all my photographed work as well.